Tuesday 28 February 2012

Summary - First Six Weeks

The first six weeks of this module have been really interesting for me. I've really enjoyed doing all the research about DaVinci as I didn't really know a lot about him before; I think he was a really talented person and also prety inspirational.

I've also really enjoyed learning about the 3ds max software. I've found it easier than I expected it to be in comparison to learning how to use Flash last year; although I have got stuck and had my fair share of confused moments I feel I have got the hang of the very basics of the software and feel excited to get stuck into learning more about it and more animation tools in the weeks to come.

The three models I have created I feel pleased with especially the Da Vinci model, I think that it looks pretty realistic and as it was my very first model I'm really proud of it.

All in all; I'm really enjoyiong the module and feel I have learned a lot both from Richard and from using online tutorials.

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