Tuesday 21 February 2012

Launch Pad

The third model I will create is a launch pad for the arial screw. In order to create this I used lots of different standard primitives aligned and attatched together to make the launch pad.

I wanted steps up to the platform so I had a look at the stairs tool. I tried the different stairs avaliable, for instance, spiral stairs, straight stairs, Ltype stairs and Utype stairs, none of which gave the effect I was looking for; so instead I used the box tool to create the steps and attatched them together using >editable mesh > attatch.

The materials that I used on the launch pad were three different wood textures. I chose wood as I have seen from the research I have done on Da Vinci and the time, wood would have been the favourable option.

I am happy with the finished result and really enjoyed making this one.

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