Tuesday 13 March 2012


Today we used the morpher tool. We used this in order to create different expressions.

 To do this we imported Richard's head model and created three copies, I gave each of them a differnent name according to which expression I wanted to give them.

The first model I edited, I was giving an open mouth. To do this I selected four polygons from the head's lower lip and chin and used the 'grow' tool in order to slelect the polygons around this area until I had the whole bottom jaw selected. I then used the 'select and move tool' in order to moove the mouth up and down.

 The next expression I created was to shut the models eyes. I used the same technique as I used for the first one. I selected the polygons that represent the models eye lids and used the grow tool to select the amount that I needed. I then moced the selected polygons down in order to close the models eyes.

The third head model I gave raised eyebrows. The same technique as above is applied here. The final head model was uses to apply the 'morpher tool'. With this you can add different targets to the head in order to make all of the actions created apply to this model and then animate it.

We used the curve editor in order to select each target individually so you can control one at a time.

I used all three of my head models as targets and created a short animation of the head yawning. I found this tutorial very helpful and will be sure to use this technique in the future.

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