Tuesday 24 January 2012

Tutorial One

The First Tutorial that we did is to create a well known building out of primitive shapes in the software.

The building I chose for my task is The White House. It took me a long time to construct as it was my first ever model and I was getting used to the tools.

The first thing I did was to construct a box for the main body of the building. I then created a triangular prism, which I had problems with unitl I was told it was a cylinder and you just changed the number of sides to three.

I then used the align tool to align it with the main body, this created a porch effect.

The next step was to create the pillars, these were made using the cylindar tool again but increasing the amount of sides to the shape.Even thought The White House has sixteen pillars, I only put six into my structure as any mare made it look far too crowded.

This is my finished product:

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